Sandra,s corner October meeting

Our last meeting was a more somber affair Read more >>

Due to the very sad death of Manuel from Wessex.

we were due to have a talk on Saikei (landscapes in miniature) & a go at carving thermal blocks by Clive,Tony & Wilf but none of them felt in the mood for doing it so we had a general workshop instead.

Tree of the month had a lot of entries-see Derecks report.

The following day was Manuels funeral & i counted at least 11 members from Warminster club there.It was a very nice non religious service & his daughter told some nice stories about Manuel as a father & uncle.Even the undertaker had a story as both their business’s,s were close to each other! I cant put it in print what the undertaker said as it involves swearing!but you could picture Manuel as he was relaying it!

As requested by the family a donation has been sent to the British heart foundation on behalf of Warminster club.It was nice that so many bonsai enthusiasts from around the country attended.He is going to be sadly missed.

Last Sunday(4th) Warminster club was invited to put on a display at the Heathrow bonsai show.Thank you to all who donated trees for our dummy run-we were lucky as Amelia gave us her award winning tree!This show is held in a Scouts hut & we were told there were marquees outside.It was a terrible journey up with heavy rain all the way.When we arrived we found that the marquees were in fact large awnings! so you could get out of the rain but not the wind!We decided not to use our covers & backdrops as the rain was dripping down onto the tables & we didn’t want to spoil the covers .Despite the rain & cold the show did have a good atmosphere & Heathrow had food & drink laid on for the exhibitors all day for free!

Wessex had brought up a lot of Manuels trees for a display on their own,& it was a nice surprise when Manuels wife & daughters turned up.

There was no actual competition but the publc could vote for their favorite tree & FOBBS gave out a couple of awards.Congratulation to Kevin from Newbury for winning the public vote-Terry from Swindon,Manuel & Paul from Southend won the FOBBS awards.It was a very cold & wet day & we all thought we were mad!


Terry,s Pyracantha