Chairman,s chat November meeting

Novembers meeting was presented by our own in house tree expert Amelia, her chosen subject( sounds like an episode of mastermind) was a talk on tree roots.

As you will see from the photo,s it was a very much hands on talk, Amelia talked about how it was easy to just concentrate on shaping the trunk and branches whilst ignoring the roots.

Having brought in a varied selection of nursery stock trees junipers,pines yews etc we had to select one for ourselves and bare root it, Amelia then went round the table with each person describing what variety they had and describe the root structure.

Each tree generated much discussion with members on how they treat the roots for repotting and nebari development many of which require as much individually as we treat the foliage for each species.

Its often that when you involve the club in an open format you do get a lot more volunteer their experiences, successes and failures and although you cover subjects you may know it does remind you that perhaps there are still some trees you have been meaning to repot but have just not bothered.

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The evening seemed to flash by so many thanks to Amelia.