Due to commitments that cropped up during the year only four of us could make the date so we filled our cars with trees, two reasons Lee can work through trees at an amazing rate and this is an opportunity to have your trees assessed for styling and refinement.
I have recommended to club members even if you think your trees are not good enough just come along as an observer you will learn so much about each species, control of pests, styling and refinement in just one day.
You also learn more about how the Japanese grow and develop their trees and how Lee has to adapt these methods for our climate,
I must try to encourage members to pop in on the next Saturday we have Lee, he should not be missed.
Needless to say we all enjoyed the day and never stop learning.

This is one of my Junipers I took in on the workshop but had to work on it at home.
This is its initial styling, it will now be aloud to develop the live lines to the remaining branches, then repotting and further refinement carving next year.