Lodder Bonsai bv, Harmelem in the Netherlands is a major importer of bonsai and has been an annual visit by several members for many years only interrupted by Covid. Now restrictions are no longer in place this would be the first time we have been over for two years and all of us look foreword …
Category Archives: Visits
Lodder Bonsai Open Weekend 2020
A small group of members made our annual pilgrimage to Lodder Bonsai for their open weekend. This year as well as having regular traders selling pots, scrolls, sushi and Bonsai related items we were amazed at the quality of Bonsai Gerrit had been able to scource. From Shohin upwards there was so much to look …
Lodder Bonsai open weekend 2019
We have visited Lodder Bonsai in the past but never for their open weekend. Over the Saturday and Sunday the nursery is open but he also invites other traders to come along and have a stall inside the loading bay. There was a mixture of potters, scrolls for sale as well as a painter painting …
Lodder Bonsai Visit 2017
For some of us in Warminster and Salisbury clubs this is a most looked forward to trip of the year and we were joined by members of Blackmore Vale club.
Lodder Bonsai bv 2016
Members of Warminster and Salisbury Bonsai clubs joined together for the long anticipated annual trip to Lodder Bonsai.
Lodders Bonsai
This has now become an annual joint Warminster club and Salisbury Bonsai society pilgrimage to Lodders Bonsai thanks to Graham and Leslie who organise the visit.
Noelanders visit 2014
The Noelanders Tropy Show 2014 is held annually in Heusen- Zolder in Belgium.
Dragon Bonsai March visit
As Sandra has mentioned Chris Thomas chairman of Dragon Bonsai had organised a two day event called Bonsai the Celtic way, this was a new concept with a series of speakers on Bonsai their way.
Lodder Bonsai and Hoka-en Bonsai Studio Part 2
As you will have read several of our members had visited Lodders previously, a fortunate few more of us joined up with Salisbury Bonsai Society who have made this an annual trip for the past few years.
Visit to Wessex Bonsai Society winter image show
Sandra and I popped down to the Wessex Bonsai Society winter image show held at the Kinson Community Centre on Sunday 12th Feb, this is a regular trip for us as the people are always friendly and the trees are always of interest plus two of our members are also members of their society.