April meeting

Busy as usual and this months meeting was a chance for a member to try air layering. This is best done when the leaves are out and just hardened on the tree, it shows that sap is flowing and the tree is starting to photosynthesise. This technique is used to produce more trees off the …

Lakeside Garden Centre

Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th April we will be putting on a club display at Lakeside Garden Centre Crockerton to promote the hobby and the club all welcome to call in for a chat with us. Have attached a photo of last years display.

February meeting 2024

Busy evening with repotting the main focus, talking to members we all seem to be facing similar challenges trees coming into bud much earlier and not only trees kept in greenhouses but outside as well. This is not only shortening the traditional repotting season but with the weeks of heavy rain the trees kept outdoors …