June meeting

Busy meeting we had a dummy run to select and finalise our club display for Blackmore Vale Bonsai Group bonsai show this coming Sunday held in the Remembrance hall SP7 0PL. This involves finding the right balance with the trees which can eliminate very good trees that are too powerfull and would dominate the overall …

May 2024 meeting

Our meetings are set as general workshops so anything can be brought in which allows greater coverage of species styles etc, we do say to all members if you would like a particular subject to be covered we are happy to adjust to accommodate. TOTM

April meeting

Busy as usual and this months meeting was a chance for a member to try air layering. This is best done when the leaves are out and just hardened on the tree, it shows that sap is flowing and the tree is starting to photosynthesise. This technique is used to produce more trees off the …

Lakeside Garden Centre

Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th April we will be putting on a club display at Lakeside Garden Centre Crockerton to promote the hobby and the club all welcome to call in for a chat with us. Have attached a photo of last years display.