First meeting of the new year, some trees being worked on but also it was the selection of trees and setting out our display for the forthcoming Swindon Winter Image Show on Sunday 11th February. We have three six by two tables for display which is quite a large area, Clive H our show manager …
Category Archives: General
December meeting and AGM
The December meeting is our AGM, Best Decorated tree and social get together. The AGM was concluded in not too much time with the committee being re-elected and with annual subs and monthly entrance fees remaining the same as this year. I will email to all members more details of the meeting as well as …
Lee Verhorevoort workshop November 2023
Pre covid we have had several workshops with Lee all thoroughly enjoyable, so when we had been able to book one for this month it was a chance to learn so much more and have your trees critiqued in a positive way. Lee,s method is for him to come to your table view/discuss your tree …
November meeting 2023
This meeting was intended to be winter repotting but due to the persistent rainfall and soggy compost it was not possible however members did find work to carry out preparing trees for winter. TOTM
October meeting 2023
October can be an in between month with many trees still in full leaf but slowing down and just showing the hint of autumn tints on some, so general maintaining checking wiring some pruning but really waiting for the leaves to drop so that autumn repotting can take place. Nevertheless a busy meeting especially with …
September meeting 2023
Busy meeting several members removing wire from trees now hopefully set for the future, I have a Larch that has required wiring three times now over the years as it resolutely refuses to stay in the style I want it now it’s a battle of wills. Amelia was working on some amusing penjing and no …
Corsley Fayre 2023
Saturday 2nd September we set up our club display at the Corsley Fayre which is the second year we have attended after it was stopped due to covid. Restarting this has meant it is smaller than pre covid but we have noticed it is gaining popularity and was well attended no doubt helped by the …
Corsley Fayre 2023
Saturday 2nd September we will be putting on a club display at the Corsley Fayre in the horticulture marquee, we put on a display last year and found it to be a very friendly show with many local people attending. The Wiltshire branch of the Cacti and Succulent Society will also have a display and …
August 2023 meeting
TOTM 1st Clive H Cotoneaster 2nd Sally Korean Hornbeam 3rd Geoff H Ginkgo