A melding of minds 🤔 on future styling for this Juniper
Category Archives: Club nights
May meeting
Busy meeting as usualAdd the introductory text here
October Club Night
Working on our bonsai trees Tonight it was a chance to clean up and prepare our bonsai trees for winter, removing weeds and accumulated moss from the soil surface. Also, wiring, checking existing wiring on Pines and Junipers. Pruning of tropical Figs as always and Chinese Elms, structural pruning of a Hawthorn or two and …
July meeting
A busy evening with quite a fews trees being worked on. Few pics of a Larch approx 40cm high from top of pot and 30cm wide. When obtained it had a natural shari running down the trunk which has been enlarged to give more character, the long extensions now trimmed back to preserve outline. It …
July posting
Ficus This is a contribution from one of our members who has a passion for Ficus with his commentary. All these figs are still a long way off being Bonsai, unfortunately the growing season in the UK is not long enough to get the growth needed to Bonsai the figs. The light levels are not …
June posting
The hot dry conditions of May now going into June are challenging to say the least but trees seem to be putting on good growth some acers are showing signs of leaf scorch possibly not had time to harden off the spring growth. Posting some pics of members trees in flower and my pics of …
Collette Harrison
For the July meeting we Collette Harrison from Bonsai Trees Southampton who gave a talk on Satsuki and other flowering species. The talk covered a wide variety of flowering species both indoor and outdoor types on their care and maintenance, the feed back from some members was extremely good and all enjoyed Collettes evening. Some …
Small trees with Robert Stewart
Tonights club night was well attended as we were fortunate to have Robert Stewart, Chairman of Solent Bonsai Society talking on his bonsai journey creating, growing, styling and developing mame and shohin bonsai trees. It was a very interesting talk and gave us lots to think about when we are working on our own trees. …