Working on our bonsai trees
Tonight it was a chance to clean up and prepare our bonsai trees for winter, removing weeds and accumulated moss from the soil surface. Also, wiring, checking existing wiring on Pines and Junipers. Pruning of tropical Figs as always and Chinese Elms, structural pruning of a Hawthorn or two and Maples and an overall health check.
Discussion on bonsai
We had a few new bonsai trees bought in tonight by Mike, who had found about about Warminster Bonsai when he was visiting Staverton Bonsai Boot Sale. We discussed his three trees, a box (Buxus), a Korean Hornbeam (Carpinus) in stunning autumn colour and a Larch (Larix). Looking forward to seeing their progress.
Drawing the raffle
The winner of the Privet Bonsai tree raffle is Clive Harber, congratulations Clive.
Lots more bonsai chat
Project Yew tree update
There will be a follow-up post all about the project Yew trees, the project and the majority of trees are still alive and doing well so look out for the update shortly. Even in the space of the evening one of the Yew trees changed its future style quite dramatically and is now going to be a semi-cascade.