Longleat Workplace Wellbeing Fair

We were contacted recently by Longleat HR if we would be interested in attending their Wellbeing Fair on Thursday 16th from 10.00-12.30 they invite other parties as well and the aim is promote employee wellbeing.

As Derek is chair of the British Cacti and Succulent Society Wilts branch he was also invited and we agreed to both put on a display, Amelia offered to also bring in materials for anyone to have a go at Penjing.

This was a new event to us so we didn’t know what to expect but between all three of our stands we did compliment each other.

There was a steady flow of staff coming through and we chatted to quite a few but the star was Amelia and Sallys Penjing where on their tables they had plants, pots, assorted gravel, rocks and associated ? figures to creat miniature landscapes.

They were so busy they were overwhelmed at one point and had a queue picking out materials and then waiting to get onto the work tables.

This went down a storm with some creative and inventive ( I use these words cautiously) landscapes but everyone seemed to enjoy it

A big thank you to Jim, Sally and Amelia for coming along and a bigger thanks Karra and Longleat for the invite we enjoyed the event.

Some of the photos of the morning.