Our last meeting was the AGM; I think there were 19 members there.
Adrian said this would be the last meeting he would be chairman but no body was to cry! He thanked everyone who had helped with the club over the years. He couldn’t remember how many years he had been in the club but it must have been over 15 years. He reminisced about how we used to meet in Warminster library, then to Boreham Rd which we soon outgrew. But the more he talked about the old days the sadder I felt.
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Then Clive ran through the finances. Once again we had a healthy balance of funds. but we have to make sure we can keep that way as we know we are going to lose some members this coming year The Saturday workshops worked well and although they are not run to make a profit we did make some on the October one due to the fact that it was just Chris that came over.
Then it was onto the election of the new committee. Thank you for all your votes and I know the committee will work hard for the club.
Then AOB
The members agreed that due to the cost of stamps and ink we will be sending out the newsletter by e-mail, I have a list of people whose e-mail address I have, so at the next meeting I will be asking you for your address’s, any one who does not have e-mail will still be able to receive one by post, but as the cost was £186 last year we felt we had to cut back costs. (That ’s the cost of a speaker!)
We are going to have a Tokenoma evening like we did with Chris Thomas where you make a display with a tree, stand, accent plant and scroll (if you have one), this will be discussed & commented on with Malcolm as judge!
T O T M winner for 2011 was 1st Sally, 2nd Clive H and joint 3rd was Sandra & Tony.
The raffle tree was won by Tony
Congratulations to all of you.
At the end of the AGM Clive presented Adrian with 2 oriental plaques as we thought it was right that Adrian should leave with a suitable thank you from the club for all his work and support in the past.
The AGM did take longer than normal but then we had more business to deal with than other years.
We did run the honesty box for the year but we didn’t get the money versus the amount of members attending the meeting so this year we shall charge 25p when you order your drink but you can have another for free.
Next meeting
Our next meeting is at 7:45 on 16th February in Christ Church hall, the topic will be a talk and practical by John Trott on repotting so bring your trees in to work on especially ones you have problems repotting as John likes a challenge and of course don’t forget something for the raffle.
See you all at the next meeting
Sandra and Tom