February was a busy month for the club certainly our guest speaker John Trott generated some healthy discussion points also helped by Amelia ( I must get you to speak more often as you hide little gems from us )
Interestingly the more we talk to our home grown experts and other clubs we seem to be be adapting more and more the techniques and advice for our own climates, something I am aware of when reading reference books now.Read more>>>
You will also read we put on a display at the Swindon Winter image show, this show just seems to get better and better ( thanks to Paul Bowerbank and his team for both inviting us and putting on a splendid event), this event seems to kick start our bonsai year.
I felt our display was even better than last year with a more cohesive design mainly due to our new show manager Clive H who has brought his own ideas to the club with the change in base cloth and the making of the individual display tables.
As I have said before its your club and we welcome all ideas even strange ones.
I would also add my thanks to those who took the trouble to bring trees in for or the dummy run I know Clive had some head scratching to pick the best display.
Thanks to Sally, Derek & Chris for helping to set up on Sunday and to all club members who attended.
Congratulations to Tony who had two of his trees selected for Wessex stand.
I would like to see more members trees brought in for future shows as I want to encourage more of you to display.
Lodder,s visit.
Some of you know we accompanied Salisbury Bonsai Society on their annual trip to Lodder Bonsai suffice so say what a trip I will put more info and photo,s on the website as it would give poor Tom problems loading it onto the newsletter.