As you will read in Sandra,s corner it was a some what subdued meeting but it did give time to reflect and remember Manuel Gonzalez, I have only fond memories of a real character who when ever you met him you were not sure what he was going to come out with, his enthusiasm for Bonsai was real and endless.

I have been pleased to read that many other clubs and society’s have put into print on their websites many generous words describing Manuel, it was also only fitting that at the Heathrow Bonsai show Malcolm brought along some of his trees to display and for FOBBS to pick one out for an award, many of us will miss him but will carry his legacy on.
It has still been a busy month for the club as we still hold the North Bradley workshop at the hall on the first Thursday of each month, the hall is situated on the Westbury side of Trowbridge and it is an informal get to work on trees session with no club business. All welcome advice? free.
I have included some photo,s of the last meeting.

Will be on Thursday 29th due to unavailability of the hall, subject will be Saikei and demonstration by Wilf and Tony on carving blocks which you can try your selves, please bring a re-potting tray if possible and any blunt tools as it gets a bit messy and saves us clearing up at the end.