This meeting being our AGM I would like to thank those that attended as AGM,s can be a bit wordy also date clashed with the trip to the Noelanders show which had several of our members attending.
I may have to ask Noelanders to change their show date in future if attendance drops for our AGM!
Not wishing to repeat my speech from last years AGM I would like to thank the committee for their help and support during the year, Clive H our show manager who has put a lot of personal effort into improving our stands and for being the final judge on what trees we include.
These people do make my job much more easier.
Last year maintained a varied mix of speakers , shows and workshops of which I thoroughly enjoyed Lee Verhorevoort on the Saturday workshop which was very well attended.
Please note I have booked a date with Lee for this year for another Saturday workshop September 13th.
The committee have decided that due to the cost of speakers we need to cut back just for this coming year to consolidate club funds.
We have had some suggestions from members to maintain interest in that on some of the general workshop dates we have discussion subjects as well.
Members that are happy to work on their trees can do so whilst being able to join in with members who want a more serious discussion/exchange of knowledge on the months topic.
Aprils subject will be feeding what and when etc , Amelia will be adding in her knowledge and advice if you have a problem tree but it is down you on what you find works for your trees.
May subject will be on Hornbeams again what works and any problems.
July will be Malcolm on Junipers with members encouraged to bring in as many as possible again what you find works and problem trees.
August subject Hawthorns.
September follow up to Malcolm where you bring back in your Junipers you will have worked on from July,s meeting.
October subject is guess the species and style identification.
November will be best tree, pot stand combination.
These all rely heavily on members supporting these meetings not being afraid to bring trees in for comment whilst keeping it fun and something we have lacked is follow up when we work on trees.
Finally I would like to thank you all for voting my self and the committee back in for another year.