With the temperature finally cooling down it was a busy meeting with lots of trees having some catch up work carried out on them.
One tree a Larch had very flat pads with little character, the owner had previously wired it out extensively but when the very hot weather came along did not carry out any restyling as it would have stressed the tree too much.
On bringing it in it was decided to work on the lower pads splitting them up to start putting character into the tree.
The top of the tree was pruned lightly as it will be bent to the right bringing it back over the tree, the tree requires further pruning on all pads as they are too long and require being brought back into the tree for a more compact image.

This work would have been carried out early than this meeting but because it was held up by the heat and that there is now a shorter growing time left now it was decided not to carry out the drastic pruning required.
It will wait until next spring when it is growing strong and then be cut back to the buds that are in the direction it needs to grow and distance from the trunk along with reshaping the apex.
Some pics of the work carried out at the meeting.