On Sunday 4th November Clive H myself and Sandra travelled up to Heathrow to put on a club display in the Heathrow Bonsai show, the weather was atrocious going up raining all the way, marquees had been put up but the rain was being driven in through any gap onto the tables so it was decided not to use our backdrops and cloths.
We were between Swindon and Newbury with Wessex just along from Newbury so we all knew each other, there were 14 clubs in total. Despite the weather the public came in steadily Mark and Mingchen and their team provided teas, burgers throughout the day to the exhibitors which helped keep out the wet and cold.
We held our now usual dummy run on the Saturday a week before the show and Clive H had the final say see photo below of the final display.

On the day.