Last months meeting was a demonstration by Wilf and Tony on the carving of thermal blocks, some of you have done this before but for those who have not seen this before it adds another dimension to Bonsai.
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For those interested in perhaps assembling a Saikei ( landscape planting ) these blocks are extremly usefull as it is often more difficult to get enough suitable and interesting stones for a planting and the blocks have the advantage of being very easy to carve and being light weight a factor you only appreciate when you have to lug round a rock planting.
Wilf and Tony demonstrated that with only a few OLD tools how versatile thses blocks are, Tony had even carved out one as a stand for a tree in its self, Wilf had previously carved two out, one as a crumbling tower and one as a corner of two walls meeting again as a ruin both had the brick courses carved in.
Bob had also brought in a crescent pot also carved out of a thermal block, Tony and Wilf then went on to carve out some individual rock formations they then cut wire pins out and pinned the sections together to form a larger rock formation which they then presented to Sandra as a starter for her rock planting.

Members were then let loose on their own blocks to see what they could achieve, Clive H showed his artistic tallent below. Looks like Mick Jaggers lips to me.

Amelia set to with a determined look not sure if it was meant to be a rock or gargoyle for the local church.

It was good to see so many members have a go at carving with Tony D bringing in some very large blocks ( I am sure they were for an extension ).
Many thanks to Tony and Wilf ( especially as Wilf was not well ) for the evening.
Next Meeting
Will be on Thursday 20th December and it will be the Hank Yarde Trohpy for best decorated tree and of course our social gathering so if you can bring any food much appreciated Adrian has said he will be coming to the meeting armed with the now traditional quiz.
So a very merry Christmas from Sandra and me just in case you are not at the meeting.