We have had a long time to prepare for this year it all started when I as normal said something I shouldn’t of, we then ended up visiting lots of people and looking at and taking lots pictures of lots of trees trying to get the right image for the show.
This was to try and ensure we didn’t use the same trees as before in all the other shows. How difficult is that, you would think it was quite simple we look, you showed, we decide, it’s all finished. But NO once you have seen so many trees you forget which ones are which, and which ones belong to whom? and how big where they and would they fit together and is that one bigger than that one or was it actually smaller so you see the conundrum, and then out of the blue someone says so and so has a better trees then that at home it will fit.
Well lets confuse ourselves again and lets have a reshuffle Ha Ha Ha !! we eventually got it sorted and had our dummy run with a little help from Antony as he noticed something that we didn’t, which was that we were moving all the trees around except one. Well how obvious was that, by moving it to another place everything then just dropped in to place BRILLIANT.
We set up on the day with the selection of trees and stands etc. and how different it looks in the hall with new lighting which made the display look even better, being bias ours looked the best in show , however we were judged and the comments were good display nice well-presented trees but a bit crowded too many trees and in his view the left table could have been just the accent plant and the tree and the right hand table should have been just two trees.
Which is a fair comment and his opinion, however he does tend to lean toward the tokenoma style of displaying. So this is where we need to know who the judge is so we can understand his likes and dislikes so we can manipulate the display to what attracts his eye and stimulates his attention to keep him or her looking, which defeats the objective of a club display and puts everything on the footing of an individual effort any way another good show had by all.
I would like to thank all those who helped us to put the display together and those who provided trees and other bits and bobs, I look forward to all your support for the next couple of displays. I would also like to thank the Swindon club for inviting us again and allowing us to participate. Thank you all
Clive H