Our last meeting was a bring and buy sale, it was quite a surprise to see how many people had brought material in for sale and that it was of a much higher quality.
Author Archives: ck
May meeting
Again another well attended meeting and with the time of year plenty to do. We offered to members for next months meeting either an auction or a bring and buy sale the majority chose the bring and buy, and as this is the first one please support this as much as possible. To give everyone …
May tree of the month
This months meeting was the Tom Taylor Trophy ( one of former members when the club was forming) where members bring in their favourite tree and then give a short speech on why they like their particular tree.
Sandra,s corner May meeting
Hopefully the technical difficulties with last months news letter
April meeting
As you know on Saturday 14th April we had what is becoming a twice yearly workshop under the guise of Chris Thomas this time supported by Gerry and Bob ( the carver).
April Tree of the Month
Again another well attended meeting, the open format seems to be working well..
Saturday Workshop April 2012
On Saturday 14th April we held our Saturday workshop under the guidance of Chris Thomas, Gerry and Bob from Dragon Bonsai. We now usually hold this twice a year and we always look foreward to these two days.
Sandra,s corner April meeting
Hi all due to my mum being ill I couldn’t attend the last meeting but Clive told me it was a good & lively meeting.Thanks to Sally for collecting the money etc & to Anthony for doing the kitchen duties.I hope to be at the next meeting!
Dragon Bonsai March visit
As Sandra has mentioned Chris Thomas chairman of Dragon Bonsai had organised a two day event called Bonsai the Celtic way, this was a new concept with a series of speakers on Bonsai their way.
Sandra’s corner March meeting
Sandra’s Corner Our last meeting was a general repotting workshop & it was good to see so many of you have brought in trees to do & also members helping others which is always the way we hoped the club would go.