Sandra,s corner May meeting

Hopefully the technical difficulties with last months news letter Read more>> have now been ironed out!.We hope to send out a slimmer newsletter so we can put more onto the website.

We started the meeting discussing next months meeting!as to whether we have a auction or a bring & buy sale & there was a vote & the bring & buy won!each seller will donate 10 0/0 of their takings to the club so we are going to rely on the sellers honesty as the money given to the club is for the members (eg to pay for speakers)

Then it was on with members working on their trees-except the church didn’t leave enough of the right height hall tables so people had to use the lower tables.

As it was my favorite tree competition (Tom Taylor trophy) members each spoke about their tree.

1st was Sally who had bought in her hornbeam she had purchased from Lodder’s in Holland & she knew it was in too big a pot but it was drying out too quick when it was in a smaller pot

Then Chris also bought in a hornbeam he had got at Dundry

Amelia had a cork bark elm which she was doing clip & growing in the scale of a old tree,giving it a ancient look.she is trying to process a group of elms at home .

Tony Dickson a very small hornbeam he had planted in a piece if apple tree trunk & it looked very good.

Tony Oswin a Hawthorn-started in 1999 the 1st tree he had done in the club & its the only hawthorn he has managed to keep alive now for 12 years.

Malcolm a cotoneaster he had grown from a cutting!now a little tree & he has had it the pot for 4 years.

Clive H- a pine that has bounced back to better health.

Clive K-Another hornbeam bought at Lodders 2 years ago.He likes the character of the hollowed out front.He has restyled the top & hopes to refine the tree more over the years.

Anthony a yew he dug up in 2002 -its a work in progress has threatened to put on bonfire!both him & the yew are hanging on together!

Congratulations to Chris for winning the Tom Taylor Trophy-we have purchased a shield for the names to be put on.

After there was a discussion on pots-shiny pots do not reflect age-eg Rittas yellow pot.John Pitt likes to use aged looking pots & tries to match the age of a tree as to the age the pots looks.The glaze on the pot shouldn’t outshine the tree.

In japan they have more trees in glazed & they chose the right glaze for the pot.

Sunday 27th May Clive & I went to Failand village hall for the 1st accent plant show.I think there were 9 members from Warminster club.It was a very good show & it was nice to see so many Bonsai people from around the country had come along & supported Ritta-there was even a woman from Holland who had come over to put on a display.There were plants of all sizes in displays & some pretty fancy pots! They also had some traders-Bob from Diachi,John Trott(fresh from winning gold at Chelsea!)Paul Geoff,traders selling stands & others selling plants.The show was very good & it was a nice change from Bonsai & I hope this becomes a annual event.We have Ritta doing a demo in a couple of months & i cant wait to see it.

Just a few pic,s of May,s meeting.


Tony,s Deshojo very intense colour foliage
Amelia demonstrating removal of branch without tools?
Work on trees