Again another well attended meeting, the open format seems to be working well..
Author Archives: ck
Saturday Workshop April 2012
On Saturday 14th April we held our Saturday workshop under the guidance of Chris Thomas, Gerry and Bob from Dragon Bonsai. We now usually hold this twice a year and we always look foreward to these two days.
Sandra,s corner April meeting
Hi all due to my mum being ill I couldn’t attend the last meeting but Clive told me it was a good & lively meeting.Thanks to Sally for collecting the money etc & to Anthony for doing the kitchen duties.I hope to be at the next meeting!
Dragon Bonsai March visit
As Sandra has mentioned Chris Thomas chairman of Dragon Bonsai had organised a two day event called Bonsai the Celtic way, this was a new concept with a series of speakers on Bonsai their way.
Sandra’s corner March meeting
Sandra’s Corner Our last meeting was a general repotting workshop & it was good to see so many of you have brought in trees to do & also members helping others which is always the way we hoped the club would go.
Here are some images of the before and after from April 2011 of the £2.00 Cotoneaster that we bought at Warminster Bonsai Club night and how its developing.
March Meeting
This months meeting was well attended with majority of members bringing in trees to repot and their was a good buzz. One of our members wanted to have some thread grafts put on her tree no one had a drill but Tom went home and brought said drill in and I see Malcolm demonstrating …
Lodder Bonsai and Hoka-en Bonsai Studio Part 2
As you will have read several of our members had visited Lodders previously, a fortunate few more of us joined up with Salisbury Bonsai Society who have made this an annual trip for the past few years.
Visit to Wessex Bonsai Society winter image show
Sandra and I popped down to the Wessex Bonsai Society winter image show held at the Kinson Community Centre on Sunday 12th Feb, this is a regular trip for us as the people are always friendly and the trees are always of interest plus two of our members are also members of their society.
Chairmans chat February meeting
February was a busy month for the club certainly our guest speaker John Trott generated some healthy discussion points also helped by Amelia ( I must get you to speak more often as you hide little gems from us ) Interestingly the more we talk to our home grown experts and other clubs we seem …