Visit to Wessex Bonsai Society winter image show

Sandra and I popped down to the Wessex Bonsai Society winter image show held at the Kinson Community Centre on Sunday 12th Feb, this is a regular trip for us as the people are always friendly and the trees are always of interest plus two of our members are also members of their society.

News letter No 2 February meeting

Our February meeting was a talk & practical on repotting given by John Trott.Members were asked to bring in trees that had problems or faults which needed sorting.We laid out the tables in a circle & John worked his way around each tree discussing each one & then letting each member work on their tree.

Chairman’s Chat

This years AGM was of mixed feelings for me as Adrian was standing down as our chairman due to moving further away, as Sandra said when we joined the club it had very humble beginnings, if we had eight members for a meeting we thought we where doing well