As you will have read several of our members had visited Lodders previously, a fortunate few more of us joined up with Salisbury Bonsai Society who have made this an annual trip for the past few years.
Author Archives: ck
Visit to Wessex Bonsai Society winter image show
Sandra and I popped down to the Wessex Bonsai Society winter image show held at the Kinson Community Centre on Sunday 12th Feb, this is a regular trip for us as the people are always friendly and the trees are always of interest plus two of our members are also members of their society.
Chairmans chat February meeting
February was a busy month for the club certainly our guest speaker John Trott generated some healthy discussion points also helped by Amelia ( I must get you to speak more often as you hide little gems from us ) Interestingly the more we talk to our home grown experts and other clubs we seem …
News letter No 2 February meeting
Our February meeting was a talk & practical on repotting given by John Trott.Members were asked to bring in trees that had problems or faults which needed sorting.We laid out the tables in a circle & John worked his way around each tree discussing each one & then letting each member work on their tree.
Swindon Winter Image Show 2012
The Swindon Show by Clive Harber-show manager The year has begun with the Swindon winter image show.This year we decided to change the appearance of our display.Starting with the cloth we changed this to a dark green which gels with the cream back drop quite nicely.We looked at the table & decided to make some …
Chairman’s Chat
This years AGM was of mixed feelings for me as Adrian was standing down as our chairman due to moving further away, as Sandra said when we joined the club it had very humble beginnings, if we had eight members for a meeting we thought we where doing well
Sandra’s corner
A belated Happy New Year to you all and I hope that you all had a good Christmas. Our last meeting was the Christmas social and I hope all those who attended enjoyed the evening. At the start of the meeting Adrian announced that he is standing down as Chairman due to the fact that …
News Letter No 1 January 2012
Our last meeting was the AGM; I think there were 19 members there. Adrian said this would be the last meeting he would be chairman but no body was to cry! He thanked everyone who had helped with the club over the years. He couldn’t remember how many years he had been in the club …
Tom’s news December 2011
A big smiley badge to all those who spotted my mistake last month in the newsletter, but then at least with two Decembers in a year we may be ready for Christmas! Our next meeting is the AGM so please make an effort to attend, the actual business part does not take long and it …