Swindon Winter Image Show 2012

The Swindon Show by Clive Harber-show manager

The year has begun with the Swindon winter image show.This year we decided to change the appearance of our display.Starting with the cloth we changed this to a dark green which gels with the cream back drop quite nicely.We looked at the table & decided to make some new stands in Jacobean oak with 4 little legs in a Japanese style in differing heights.All told the presentation package was looking good so far.

Tree of the month January 2012

January got off to a good start with “Winter Silhouette” tree of the month.

The following members bought trees in for the competition. Derek, Sally, Amelia, Ross, Chris, Sandra And Clive H.
Results are as follows: First Clive H and Joint second were Amelia, Ross And Chris. No other places were recorded.

Chairman’s chat















After 15 years of being the Chairman for Warminster Bonsai Club, Adrian has stepped down from this role. He is one of the inaugural members of the club and fondly remembered the early years of the clubs beginnings. Clive Knight was nominated as the new Chairman and we are pleased to welcome him into this role. Adrian was presented with a small token of appreciation for all the hard work over the past 15 years, and he will remain a member of the club and we hope to see him at the monthly meetings.

Sandra’s corner

A belated Happy New Year to you all and I hope that you all had a good Christmas. Our last meeting was the Christmas social and I hope all those who attended enjoyed the evening.  At the start of the meeting Adrian announced that he is standing down as Chairman due to the fact that he is moving. He had also done the quiz and I think it was voted 18-2 to do the quiz. Our usual team had got split so we came 2nd.

Continue reading “Sandra’s corner”

News Letter No 1 January 2012

Our last meeting was the AGM; I think there were 19 members there.

Adrian said this would be the last meeting he would be chairman but no body was to cry! He thanked everyone who had helped with the club over the years. He couldn’t remember how many years he had been in the club but it must have been over 15 years. He reminisced about how we used to meet in Warminster library, then to Boreham Rd which we soon outgrew. But the more he talked about the old days the sadder I felt.

Continue reading “News Letter No 1 January 2012”

Tree of the month for December 2011

December’s competition for the Hank Yarde Trophy rounds off the season with the aptly named subject of a Bonsai decorated in the Christmas Style. 7 entries were submitted by the following club members:
Ross, Amelia, Sandra, Sally, Clive H., Derek & Clive K.

Sandra was a clear winner (see picture of Sandra accepting trophy from Adrian) with Derek second and Amelia, Clive H and Clive K joint 3rd. Well done to you all.

The final results for tree of the month for 2011 will be announced at the January AGM. Derek

Tom’s news December 2011

A big smiley badge to all those who spotted my mistake last month in the newsletter, but then at least with two Decembers in a year we may be ready for Christmas! Our next meeting is the AGM so please make an effort to attend, the actual business part does not take long and it is important for the future well-being of the club. This is also the first of many posts on our new club website which we hope to continue adding to as the year progresses so watch this space.