March Meeting

This months meeting was well attended with majority of members bringing in trees to repot and their was a good buzz.


One of our members wanted to have some thread grafts put on her tree no one had a drill but Tom went home and brought said drill in and I see Malcolm demonstrating how to put a graft through the tree, what was more encouraging was to see Audrey having a go herself.

Continue reading “March Meeting”

Lodder Bonsai and Hoka-en Bonsai Studio

The first contingent of the trip to Lodder Bonsai  (Hoka-en Bonsai Studio) in Holland, has returned. Derek Amelia, Ross and myself, visited this nursery on 7th and 8th February and had a fantastic time. Although we have been visiting for some years now, it never fails to impress and give us some very difficult choices from the huge selection of indoor and outdoor trees, pots and other bonsai equipment.   Continue reading “Lodder Bonsai and Hoka-en Bonsai Studio”

Chairmans chat February meeting

February was a busy month for the club certainly our guest speaker John Trott generated some healthy discussion points also helped by Amelia ( I must get you to speak more often as you hide little gems from us )
Interestingly the more we talk to our home grown experts and other clubs we seem to be be adapting more and more the techniques and advice for our own climates, something I am aware of when reading reference books now. Continue reading “Chairmans chat February meeting”

Swindon Winter Image Show 2012

The Swindon Show by Clive Harber-show manager

The year has begun with the Swindon winter image show.This year we decided to change the appearance of our display.Starting with the cloth we changed this to a dark green which gels with the cream back drop quite nicely.We looked at the table & decided to make some new stands in Jacobean oak with 4 little legs in a Japanese style in differing heights.All told the presentation package was looking good so far.