Market Lavington Vintage Meet

This Saturday 15th July we will be putting on a club Bonsai display if you are attending the show come along and say hello, on Sunday we will not be there but Derek will be putting on a display of Cacti and Succulents to promote the Wiltshire Society.

See poster attached.

June 2023 meeting

Busy meeting as usual we held the selection of member’s trees for the Blackmore Vale Bonsai Group show which is on the 25th of this month at the New Remembrance Hall, Charlton SP7 0PL 11.00-15.00.

Will post pics of our display and the show after the show date.

Tree of the Month

1st Clive H Satsuki Azalea, 2nd Geoff H2 Pine, 3rd Geoff H1 Stewartia, Sally Musk Maple ( unusual maple touch the leaves or bark has a musty smell ), Derek Potentilla.

Blackmore Value Show Preparation

We like to design our displays at a club night before we go to shows. This shows a bit of our process.

Workshop with Chris Thomas 1st April

Saturday 1st April was the first of two workshops booked with Chris Thomas who has become a regular with our club.

The format is quite simple members bring in trees and each one is placed on the centre table, Chris will discuss the tree with the owner adding his views, members can add their own comments.

Using the expertise of Chris to restyle and/or improve their trees members carry out working on their trees with breaks for Chris to reassess progress.

I have said it many times with these workshops you can gain so much more knowledge with so many different species and styles presented and listening to the critiques of each tree, also when a tree is placed in the middle of the room you often see what is needed to correct or improve a tree that you have had for many years.

For example from picture six of a twin trunked Larch where the right hand trunk is straight and featureless from the lower right hand branch to the next rear facing branch, it also lacks taper.

Decision was made to remove the trunk just above the right hand branch re wire the whole tree, this allowed the right hand branch to be moved and create it as the new trunk line adding movement and taper.

The rest of the tree was shaped to create a more cohesive design.

As you can see there was a good mix of species and styles worked on this day.